Mon 27 Jan
🔮🔮🎉🎀🎀🎎 2 SUGAR BUNNY 🎉🎉🎀🔮🔮🎎 Addicted ASIAN GF 🔮🔮☘️☘️🎉🎉 B2B SLIDES ❌⭕️❌⭕️ ETC...... ☘️☘️🎀🔮🔮 ☘️🎎 - 22
(Rochester, Rochester Henrietta Rd)
Sexy Sparkle back in town this weekend Only!!!!! Ask about my BYG SPECIAL!!! 65 special Weekend - 22
(Rochester, downtown upscale location)
Specials senual seductive college student specials car fun nuru prostate full body rubs - 19
💯 Specials 💯 █▒█♥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S ♥█▒█ ❥❥ █▒█♥ P▒L▒A▒Y▒M▒A▒T▒iE █▒█♥ 585-287-0422 - 20
(Rochester, Driving park area safe and secure :))
Judie is doing in call in spencerport today only last day in the area special 135hour 740-278-2541 - 27
(in call spencerport todaY ONLY)
🌀🍥Juicy Barbie Doll🍥🌀💛💛KOREAN KOREAN아름다움💛💛💛한국 학생💛💛💛1st DAY💛💛🌀🍥Real Pic🍥🌀 - 21
(Rochester, 💕💛💕💛💕💛💕Henrietta rd💕💛💕💛💕💛💕)
🎀Hello Honey I'm Eva-Mae🌟🍭🍬Sweetscandy🍬🍭 💦Guaranteed To Leave You Satisfied. - 25
(Rochester, Rochester Area)
**❤** I Will Make Your Jaw Drop **❤** - 22
(Binghamton, Buffalo, Glens Falls, Rochester, Holiday Inn Hotel)
🎀Hello Honey I'm Eva-Mae🌟🍭🍬Sweetscandy🍬🍭 💦Guaranteed To Leave You Satisfied.💦 - 25
(Rochester, Rochester Area)
😍😋 erica back and better than ever❣️😜Hit me petite and the girl of your dreams😘💋💯 - 19
(INCALLS ❣️, Rochester)
Becky Your SEXY Italian Godess Here To Fulfil Your Wildest Dreams!!l - 21
(In and Out call Available, Rochester)
█ * B : : A : : D _ ✖ _ G : : I : : R : : L: : * █ °[[CERTIFIED TO SATISFY]]° Vanilla lover - 22
CAUTION Extremely NASTY👅 🙏 💯 💥PORN STYLE💥💰 ★5⃣�🔜PARTy ON My BodY !! $$ - 👅💚💋 - - 22
(Rochester, Gr33ce 104 ridge rd)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Available All day ( Busty Exotic Latina)Available When You Are;) - 23
(Rochester, west fall rd area)
Thu 09 Jan
New NEW NEW..OUtcaLL speciALS $70 cALL NoW ! avaILBLE noW$$ sexY HOttiE Call mE $$$$ - 21
(Rochester, In/OUTCALL)
Wed 08 Jan
✨__Y__O__U __R __✨__S __E__X__ X__Y__✨__L__I__T__ T__L__E__ ✨__ S__E__C __R__E__T __✨ - 20 - 20
⭐(NEW) ⭐ ⭐ 💕(HOTTIES)⭐💕♥(Let)♥ °°•★•°°(Us) °°•★•°°B •☆•Ur (TREAT)•☆• ⭐💕(CALL)⭐ 💕⭐585-794-8635 - 22
(*****OUT*****CALLS*****ONLY*****, Rochester)
Tue 07 Jan
warning stings are being held at hotels I was busted earlier by a provided that i thought I can trus - 42
🆕📷⚠mixed💃💃 busty💥💥 seXy PLAYmate 🌟🌟 💦💦 (good sevice) 💯%REAL & DISCRETE🏪💕 angila💋 - 26
(Rochester, West Henrietta)
💰💰$50qs Super Specials 💘💋Brazilian Beauty 💎Diamond Is Here💕 - 27
(Outcall/Incall-Henrietta, Rochester)
NEW PICS UP. 💦💦 the realist you can get . Call me MEMORIAL DAY SPEC 😋💦😉❤️ Sexy tight mixed(585)270-0147 - 21
(Rochester, Outcall)
New!!! SeXXXy AzZZ HeLL !!! AmaZzing Llps**** AmaZzing BoDy!!!! DonT Miss OuT!!! - 23
(Rochester, Rochester outcalls only specials24/7)
⛔️ STOP ✋ RiGHT ⚠️ HERE⬇️⬇️🍒😜NaSt¥💯✔️ツ & Dr!pP!nG 💋🌹⇦☆★⌒K¡∫∫∑R 😮👅 ⓜOⓤⓣⓗSK¡LLz 💦💦 F®∈AⓚY 🍒 - 22
(104/390/Rochester, Rochester)
Mon 06 Jan
Quiet Safe discreet encounters offer here in private home (discreet area) - 39
(Rochester, Monroe county)
Curious?❌❌❌ REAL!❌❌❌ HUNG!❌❌❌ Website!❌❌❌Real Pixx💗💗 B0dy 2 B0dy!! HUNG!❌❌ - 22
(Discreet off Alexander near University, Rochester)
***** SPECIALS ***** SLim GooDY is HeRE to SATisFY youR eVeRY NEED! *LEaVinG sOOn* - 23
(Rochester, Airport Area: INCALL ONLY)
Sun 05 Jan
specials right now !!! call now !!! 👅💦💋real pics no fakes !🙅🏼👙👠💄no disappointments call now 🚀☎️ - 20
(Incalls, Rochester)
{Special}Don't Miss This 44F Redheaded Kitten On The Prowl (HIGHLY Reviewed) NOW-Tonight Only - 28
(Rochester, clean incall Tonight ONLY)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan